
《The Reader》(中文译名《朗读者》)是德国法学教授Berhard Schlink于1995年发表的长篇小说,并在1997年被翻译成英文在美国发行。《洛杉矶时报》曾这样评价这部小说,“A formally beautiful, disturbing and finally morally devastating novel. From the first page, [The Reader] ensnares both heart and mind.”作者意在探讨战后德国几代人对大屠杀的理解困惑,以及新一代的青年该如何对待参与或目睹暴行的那一代人。20世纪末和21世纪初,受害者和目击者逐渐离世,活着的记忆随之慢慢消失,“后人该如何处理与过去的关系”便成为当时出版的屠杀文学所探讨的核心问题,《朗读者》就是其中的代表作品。
It was like being a prisoner in the death camps who survives month after month and becomes accustomed to life, while he registers with an objective eye the horror of the new arrivals: register it with the same numbness that he brings to the murders and deaths themselves. All survivor literature talks about this numbness, in which life’s functions are reduced to a minimum, behavior becomes completely selfish and indifferent to others, and gassing and burning are everyday occurrences. In the rare accounts by perpetrators, too, the gas chambers and ovens become ordinary scenery, the perpetrators reduced to their few functions and exhibiting a mental paralysis and indifference, a dullness that makes them seem drugged or drunk. The defendants seemed to me to be trapped still, and forever, in this drugged state, in a sense petrified in it.
Even then, when I was preoccupied by this general numbness, and by the fact that it had taken hold not only of  the perpetrators and victims, but of all of us, judges and lay members of court, prosecutors and recorders, who had to deal with these events now; when I likened perpetrators, victims, the dead, the living, survivors, and their descendants to each other, I didn’t feel good about it and t still don’t.
Can one see them all as linked in this way? When I began to make such comparisons in discussions, I always emphasized that the linkage was not meant to relativize the difference between being forced into the world of the death camps and entering it voluntarily, between enduring suffering and imposing it on others, and that this difference was of the greatness, most critical importance. But I met with shock and indignation when I said this not in reaction to the others’ objections, but before they had even had a chance to demur.
As the same time I asked myself, as I had already begun to ask myself back then: What should our second generation have done, what should it do with the knowledge of the horrors of the extermination of the Jews? We should not believe we can comprehend the incomprehensible, we may not compare the incomparable, we may not inquire because to inquire is to make the horrors an object of discussion, even if the horrors themselves are not questioned, instead of accepting them as something in the face of which we can only fall silent in revulsion, shame, and guilt. Should we only fall silent in revulsion, shame, and guilt? To what purpose? It was not that I had lost my eagerness to explore and cast light on things which had filled the seminar, once the trial got under way. But that some few would be convicted and punished while we of the second generation were silenced by revulsion, shame, and guilt—was that all there was to it now?
无法熟知,无从了解,无权质疑,新一代该如何处理与历史的关系,是要带着罪恶,保持沉默并一直这样下去吗?作者提出了问题,但并没有在书中给出答案。可是,故事的最后,Hanna死去,Michael在她狱中的小书架上找到了几本书,这些并不在他给Hanna的阅读书单之列,即是Hanna自己找来读的,其中包括Primo Levi, Elie Wiesel(我的上一篇书评《夜》的作者),Jean Amery等等,这些作者有一个共同点——他们都是集中营的幸存者。


哒小鸣 - 拥有单一功能审美原则的搭配机器人


听说这书用词简单,我非常兴奋的去读了几下你贴的原文... 然后...好吧,我的英语水平还是不够读这种深刻的小说。然后去翻了翻豆瓣的电影评价,种草!虽然书看不懂,但电影咱看的懂!(这才是隐藏文盲的最好办法)




流水清茶 - 爱臭美的小个子


